eDisclosure costs – the curious case of price certainty vs transparency

eDisclosure costs – the curious case of price certainty vs transparency

Since launching our fixed costSymphony Disclosure, earlier this year, we’ve spoken to many clients about the significant benefits of adopting a genuinely fixed cost approach to eDisclosure. A common theme during those conversations is that lawyers want to understand the limitations, exceptions, and caveats that apply to our Symphony products. The great news is, there are none.

Text messages, edisclosure and litigation.

Text messages, edisclosure and litigation.

Many clients involved in litigation who communicate via text messages question why their lawyers stress the importance of collecting their mobile...

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How Large Language Models (LLMs) help us produce better court bundles.

How Large Language Models (LLMs) help us produce better court bundles.

A good trial bundle will unlikely win a bad case, but a bad bundle may damage a good one. The challenge of preparing court bundlesPreparing court...

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Court bundles update: automation

Court bundles update:  automation

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of remote hearings has continued to rise constantly. So much that Andy Carter MP introducedThe Courts...

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